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3D Tutorial - 3ds max, Cinema 4d, Blender, Zbrush, Maya, Mudbox

Substance Designer - Creating your first Substance Material

In this course you will learn how to create your first Substance Material using a practical, real world example. You do not need any previous experience with Substance Designer.

The course is divided into four chapters:

Ch1: Discusses workflow, Substance Designer and node architecture

Ch2: Creating the height data

Ch3: Creating maps such as roughness, base color

Ch4: Material layering, exporting textures and publishing sbsar files


Tags: Substance, Designer, Material

  • Kategorie: Andere / Basics
  • Type: Link (Webseite)
  • Sprache: English
  • Level: Anfänger
  • Original URL: https://tutorials.allegorithmic.com/courses/Creating-your-first-Substance-material/youtube-y8q6-tgQjZc

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