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3D Forum > How to add a baseplate to 3d scan in C4d (for 3d Printing)

How to add a baseplate to 3d scan in C4d (for 3d Printing)

15.07.2022 19:42
jan1711lFr. 15 Jul. 2022, 19:42 Uhr
Hi, i want to add a baseplate to my 3d scanned model for 3d printing. I dont know how connect the boundary edge to a baseplate or basemodel.

Someone know how to select the edges and connect it?

Im using c4d r26.

Thank you! smile
TilesFr. 15 Jul. 2022, 20:50 Uhr
Hi Jan,

I think you are after the Weld tool.

Kind regards

jan1711lFr. 15 Jul. 2022, 21:33 Uhr
Thank you for your fast reply!

I know that tool, but i dont know how to select all edges. The model has 10 million polygons.
KurtFr. 15 Jul. 2022, 21:45 Uhr
try a border-edge-loop selection


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